Install Netperf On Windows

Flent is a network benchmarking tool which allows you to:

  1. Netperf Rpm
  2. Install Netperf On Windows 8
  • Easily run network tests composing multiple well-known benchmarking tools into aggregate, repeatable test runs.
  • Explore your test data through the interactive GUI and extensive plotting capabilities.
  • Combine and aggregate data series and produce publication quality graphs.
  • Capture metadata from local and remote hosts and store it along with the plot data.
  • Collect secondary data series such as CPU usage, WiFi, qdisc and TCP socket statistics and plot it with the main dataset.
  • Specify batch experiment runs to completely automate your testing regime.

NPerf handles everything: software installation, server protection, maintenance and application updates. We just need a server with a distribution like Debian / Ubuntu installed and root access. An installation script is available, on request, to assist you in configuring the server. A strong knowledge of Linux system is required. Installing NetPerf and iPerf NetPerf and iPerf have a client and server functionality, and must be installed both on the server and the client from where you are conducting network performance tests. For each tool I will provide the most common parameters, and conduct tests between a client (1GB MEM) and a server (1GB MEM) and in my LAN (Local. It is also known that netperf has compiled using the Windows DDK. Here is a skeleton of the instructions to do so: Steps are: A) Install the Windows driver developer kit (if not already done). B) open a Cmd windows (i.e., a DOS box) for the target environment. (target OS version; free vs checked build; x86, AMD64, or IA64).

Flent is written in Python and wraps well-known network benchmarking tools (such as netperf and iperf) into aggregate, repeatable tests, such as a number of tests for Bufferbloat.

There's a short paper (pdf) and a blog post describing some of the design goals of Flent.

Getting started

Install Netperf On Windows

Install Flent as per the instructions below, then see the Quick-start section to get going.

For more information, see the full documentationor search for specific content.

Installing Flent

Install Netperf On Windows

Installing Flent can be done in several ways, depending on your operating system:

  • Debian and Ubuntu:apt install flent. To install netperf, enable the non-free repository.
  • Fedora:dnf install flent.
  • Gentoo:emerge net-analyzer/flent.
  • Ubuntu pre-18.04: Add the tohojo/flent PPA.
  • Arch Linux: Install Flent from the AUR.
  • FreeBSD:pkg install flent to install the package or cd /usr/ports/net/flent to install the port.
  • Other Linux and OSX with Macbrew: Install from the Python Package Index: pip install flent

Get involved


Netperf Rpm

Getting involved is easy:

Install Netperf On Windows

Install Netperf On Windows 8

  • Browse the source code or issue tracker on GitHub
  • Subscribe to the mailing lists